Have you "Dared To Share Your Scare" yet by posting your video reaction to the new Red-Band 'Evil Dead' trailer? Well, we here at FEARnet wanted to get in on the fun! So meet the lovely Karla. She's from our finance department here at FEARnet and while the majority of the staff here are 'Evil Dead' fanatics, Karla is a self-declared "Twi-mom" and had yet to see the new trailer, or anything from any of the Evil Dead movies for that matter. So, get ready to see her first reaction to 'Evil Dead' embedded below for your viewing pleasure! This is a sponsored endorsement for Evil Dead, which hits theaters April 12th! Make sure to "Dare To Share Your Scare" on the official movie site for 'Evil Dead' and get more updates via the official 'Evil Dead' Facebook page.
FEARnet's Own Karla "Shares Her 'Evil Dead' Scare"!