Can’t wait for Texas Chainsaw 3D? You are not alone. Lionsgate just launched the Lionsgate Horror Club as a hub for fans to share articles and content and earn points while they are doing it. What will the points get you? Some awesome swag. Details below.
The Horror club will be destination for fans to earn points every time they share our trailers, articles, etc. They will also earn points for submitting content and blog posts to the hub. We will be ranking fans by their points in a leaderboard and also allowing fans to redeem points for items like posters, t-shirts, DVDs, tickets. We will also be rewarding our top bloggers by featuring them on the site. Fans who register for the club now get an automatic entry to win a Horror Home Theater from Break.
Visit the Lionsgate Horror Club here.
Obsessed with 'Texas Chainsaw 3D'? Join the Club!