A Mecca for geekery, Fantastic Fest has been an Austin staple since 2005. Founded by Tim League of Alamo Drafthouse, Harry Knowles of Ain't It Cool News, Paul Alvarado-Dykstra, and Tim McCanlies in 2005, the festival specializes in all things genre, showcasing sci-fi, fantasy, horror and cult cinema. It’s held each year at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema.
If you aren’t one of the lucky people who have experienced the festival first hand, the new documentary from Austin's PBS station KLRU, All My Friends are Vampires offers “an all-access pass to Fantastic Fest.” It includes interviews with some of the key players and organizers of the fest who give background as to how it has changed international film culture.
Watch All My Friends Are Vampires on PBS. See more from KLRU.