Don't go freaking out just yet... the existence of the humongous arachnid species nicknamed “J'ba Fofi” (literally “giant spider”) by natives of the Congo hasn't been officially verified. But if someone out there proves this thing actually exists beyond myths and rumors (and assuming they survive an encounter with it), we might as well give up now and accept spiders as our new global overlords.

Some cryptozoologists maintain that the J'ba Fofi is a species of tarantula native to equatorial Africa – one which may have been common to the area in the past but is nearing extinction due to deforestation. Their theories are supported by accounts by local tribes, who describe the spider as brown and purple in color, with legs up to five feet long. They are said to be extremely aggressive, with venom powerful enough to bring down medium-sized mammals – so even though sightings are rare, natives avoid them at all costs.
According to Cryptid Wiki, one of the first documented tales of the creature dates back to 1938, when a British couple were traveling through the Congo and saw what they thought was a cat or a monkey... until they realized it had eight legs.
For more Congo cryptids, check out our story about a scorpion-tailed river monster called the “Dingonek.”