In the last couple of weeks I have been (digitally) exploring the ruins of the Miracle Strip Amusement Park and the only two Disney Parks to ever be completely abandoned. Finding one creepy, abandoned amusement park just seems to lead me to more and more. Today we are going to explore South Korea's Okpo Land. Not only is it creepy and abandoned, it has a seedy and bloody history.
I don't know when Okpo Land opened on the outskirts of Okpo-Dong, South Korea, but it closed in 1999 and was likely less than 20 years old. The park was small, with only a dozen or so attractions, but it was the only game in town so it was profitable. In the 1990s, things got bloody. A young girl was killed on a duck-themed ride. Her family was not given financial compensation, an explanation, or even an apology, and the park remained open. In 1999, the same duck ride killed another young girl when the ride derailed and she was thrown to the ground. Apparently the owner took the second death as a sign - not to make reparations, but the get the hell out of town. Overnight, the park was closed and the owner walked away, leaving the park exactly as it was, duck ride still derailed.
The site was finally razed in 2011 so that hotels could be built on that land.
Source: Bitrebels, Livejournal