Headed our way on the 17th of this month is the horror genre's second big theatrical release of 2014, a found footage flick called Devil's Due. Already no stranger to controversy, the film's eye-catching original poster art was banned here in the states - which you can see in our list of the top 13 coolest horror posters of 2013 - and I wouldn't be surprised if their latest bit of creative promotion suffers the same fate.
When you navigate over to the official Devil's Due website, you'll find the typical goodies like a plot rundown and trailer, but you'll also find a tab at the top of the page that says 'Convert.' Upon clicking it, you are encouraged to change your religious views on your Facebook page to Satanism, the website promising an 'exclusive offering' if you follow the Devil's orders and show your allegiance to him.
Though I admit I hesitated to do so, not looking forward to the text messages that friends and family would surely send my way when Facebook notified them that I became a Satanist this morning, I bit the bullet in an effort to find out exactly what this exclusive offering was.
Unfortunately, it's just a 16-second teaser clip for the film (found below), which is little compensation for handing my soul over to Satan himself. Nevertheless, a pretty cool bit of promotion for the film, which definitely caught my eye!