It all started when a man saw wasps flying in and out of a small hole in his kitchen wall. As recounted on, a blogger named Tom gave in to his curiosity and investigated... and what he found was basically a piñata filled with nightmares.

The mud nest is apparently home to a species of parasitic wasp similar to types we've shown you on these pages before (like this gigantic example), which is partly the inspiration for the xenomorph life cycle in the Alien films: it lays its eggs inside the body of another live host – in this case, a spider – which then becomes a fresh meal for the newly-hatched larva.

It appears that these mud-dauber wasps had sealed a couple dozen impregnated spider hosts in this clay prison for easy containment (an even more horrifying thought), and our curious blogger liberated them to run free... at least for the moment. Remember, they're still fated to be eaten alive from the inside.
Check out the whole gruesome story in pictures at