We've gone back a little further, dug a little deeper, and uncovered even wackier vintage Halloween commercials from the 1970s and 1980s. Grab some of those fun-sized candies (the trick-or-treaters have enough) and enjoy. And don't forget to check out some (slightly) newer, but no less bizarre Halloween commercials with our 1990s list.
Hallmark, 1989 - starring Quintessential '80s Guy
I can't imagine why this stuff isn't still on the market. Spooky Goop, 1988
In 1987, Hallmark wasn't just about sappy greeting cards.
LaVerdiere, a local drugstore in the Maine area, late 1980s
Hershey's candy, 1981
Possibly the worst Yoda costume ever. Toys 'R Us, 1980
Now you too can paint your face like an Easter egg! Paas, early 1980s
Wow, what passed for costumes back in the day. Woolworth, 1978.
Local costume shop in Illinois, 1970s
Boo Berry joins the Halloween cereal brigade, 1973
Bonus! I just came across this one yesterday. Too late to include with Monday's local Halloween commercials, but I think Gary Busey being crazy is well worth it.