Mission Details: On Sat Oct 20th members of the FEARnet team descended upon the city of Temecula, CA in an effort to survive the impending zombie apocalypse. It was day 1 of Run for Your Lives; a zombie infested 5K obstacle course that no amount of preparation could have truly prepared us for. We ran and climbed through water, mud and barbed wire and suffered through electroshock (twice!) all while trying to avoid HUNDREDS of flesh starved zombies.
The Way it Works: Run for Your Lives race waves run every 30 minutes with about 500 runners per wave. Runners are equipped with a flag football belt and 3 flags. Your goal is to make it to the end of the course with at least one flag to be considered a 'survivor'. Lose all your flags and you are dead. Check out our stats below, whether we survived or died and some pics of us running for our lives.
Keep your eyes on FEARnet for video coverage of the event and be sure to check out Run for Your Lives to see if there's an event coming up near you, I think it's safe to say that we all highly recommend it.
Jeffrey McCrann - DIED
Number 3 - Brunch
'Being eaten by zombies doesn’t mean you can ever stop running.'
Kyle Van Vonderen - DIED
Video Production Consultant
Number 1 - Hors d'oeuvre
'Even though I didn't survive, it was an insanely fun experience I'll never forget. The mountainous terrain was challenging, the obstacles were as difficult and muddy as possible, but I'm proud to say Jeffy and I finished first, despite losing our lives.'
Megan Dorste - SURVIVED
Traffic Coordinator
Number 9 - After Dinner Drink
'The Run For Your Lives Zombie 5k was one of the most intense challenges I’ve experienced. That being said, those zombies didn’t stand a chance.'
Sarah Shannon - DIED
Director of Programming
Number 6 - Finger Food
'Too many zombies and only 3 life flags were not good odds. I never expected to be electrocuted while crawling through obstacles but it happened and it was fun.'
Luke LaBeau - SURVIVED
Marketing Coordinator/Social Media/Publicity
Number 0 - Late Night Snack
'Though I survived (barely), Run for Your Lives was much tougher than I expected. This experience provided me with a core foundation of skill sets necessary to survive the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Diving through mud, crawling under barbed wire, and avoiding hordes of the undead…just another day at FEARnet!'
Lawrence P. Raffel - DIED
Number 4 - Fourth Meal
'I never stood a chance.'
Ryan Turek - SURVIVED
Managing Editor, ShockTillYouDrop.com
Number 2 - Entree
'The Run for Your Lives Zombie 5K was a grueling, fun experience - not only did I learn a little something special about myself that day, but I discovered that, if faced with the zombie apocalypse, I have what it takes to survive.'
Ben Koppin - DIED
Video Production Consultant AKA Camera Guy
Number 7 - Dessert
'It's tough running a 5K. It's harder to run one with zombies. It's hellish to run one with zombies and a 15lb camera! :)'