Hopefully you checked out our post yesterday about the latest episode of GeekNation's podcast 'The BloodCast' hosted by Shock Till You Drop's Ryan Turek which tackled the subject of horror television. As part of a special 2-part crossover week, Ryan had the 'Killer POV' group (consisting of FEARnet's own Rob Galluzzo, Fangoria's Rebekah McKendry and Inside Horror's Elric Kane) on as special guests. And now in turn, the new 'Killer POV' podcast just went live and feature Turek as their guest, this time to first talk about Rob Zombie's latest film 'The Lords Of Salem' before delving deep into the ins & outs and challenges of horror web journalism. You can check out the full insightful episode over on the GeekNation website or just listen to the embedded podcast below!