Rachel Rising, the horror comic series created by critically acclaimed award-winning writer/artist Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise), is now on its way to television. According to the Hollywood Reporter, independent company Alcon is slated to produce the show; Alcon exec Ben Roberts served as a production consultant on The Walking Dead, and the producers will no doubt be shaping the series with an eye toward the same audience.
Described as “a horror story for people who don't like horror stories,” Rachel Rising landed a Best New Series nomination for the 2012 Harvey Awards. It spins the dark tale of a woman who wakes up dead in a shallow grave and sets about solving the mystery of how she got there. Along the way, Rachel uncovers dark supernatural secrets about the surrounding town, while being tracked by a mysterious blond woman, and crossing paths with a homicidal girl named Zoe.
Alcon is already shopping the show around to networks, and according to the Reporter, many of them are already interested in picking it up. More news to come...